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USA Computer Services Blog

USA Computer Services has been serving small and medium sized businesses since 2012, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting.

How to Learn from Your Technology Misfires

How to Learn from Your Technology Misfires

Dealing with failure can be tough, especially in workplace projects. However, it is crucial to see these failures as opportunities for growth and improvement.

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Technology Can Help Promote Improved Worker Wellness

Technology Can Help Promote Improved Worker Wellness

Being a part of the workforce today comes with its share of challenges. Various stressors, both related to work and outside of it, can significantly affect an employee's performance. Therefore, it's crucial for companies to prioritize their team's well-being, and one effective approach is by embracing and promoting the use of technology to make workers’ tasks easier to manage.

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Keep Your Users Happy with Managed Technology Support Services

Keep Your Users Happy with Managed Technology Support Services

Making IT decisions while balancing the user experience—including their complaints—can be exhausting. As a decision maker for your business, you have a budget to consider, as well as a timeline to manage. You’ll have to say no, which no one likes to hear, but it’s a necessary part of running your organization effectively.

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In-Office Work is Losing Steam

In-Office Work is Losing Steam

Remote work has changed the way that businesses approach normal operations. Due in large part to the disruptions of the past couple of years, remote work has become a staple of the business environment, and while you might hear stories of businesses pushing hard to return to the workplace, the reality is that they are the exception rather than the norm.

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A Digital Detox Might Be Just What You Need

A Digital Detox Might Be Just What You Need

You and your employees are likely exhausted from dealing with technology day in and day out. Even if it is what allows businesses to flourish, you still might want some time away from it from time to time. When it feels like too much, know that a digital detox can be a valid way of temporarily moving away from technology—even in the workplace.

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Here Are Some Desk Exercises to Keep You Healthy at Work

Here Are Some Desk Exercises to Keep You Healthy at Work

While sitting all day might sound appealing at first glance (after all, who doesn’t like sitting?), it’s not something that our bodies are designed to do. Sitting, as a result, can have considerable negative consequences on our overall health when done in excess. It doesn’t have to be hard to fit a workout into your day, though; you can do these simple desk-ercises right from your office to combat the creep of becoming too sedentary. 

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Cybersecurity Burnout Is Real: Here’s How to Prevent It

Cybersecurity Burnout Is Real: Here’s How to Prevent It

Cybersecurity is complicated, with countless moving parts that all contribute to a well-protected network. This includes password changes, multi-factor authentication, and policies and procedures that could make the average workday a headache for the average office worker. Cybersecurity burnout is a real thing, and it’s becoming a major problem for businesses that don’t approach it intentionally.

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4 Security Topics to Keep In Mind During the Onboarding Process for New Hires

4 Security Topics to Keep In Mind During the Onboarding Process for New Hires

All companies have policies in place which govern how their employees use their technology, so it makes sense that any new employees should be onboarded in accordance with these expectations. Let’s go over how you can make sure your new employees know and understand your organization’s policies as they relate to business technology.

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Different Scams Impact Different Audiences, Which Means You Need to Prepare for All of Them

Different Scams Impact Different Audiences, Which Means You Need to Prepare for All of Them

Back during the holiday season, the Federal Trade Commission shared some data that showed that members of Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z are all more likely to fall for online shopping scams than those over the age of 60…and not by a little, either. Those under that age are apparently 86 percent more likely to fall for these scams. 

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What Changes Should Be Expected from CIOs?

What Changes Should Be Expected from CIOs?

Technology is a major player in today’s business environment, and in most cases, companies have someone in their executive suite whose sole purpose is overseeing their technology systems. This individual—the Chief Information Officer, or CIO—is incredibly important to the everyday operations of businesses.

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3 Statistics to Help Shape Your Business’ Cybersecurity

3 Statistics to Help Shape Your Business’ Cybersecurity

We know it’s not pleasant to think about your organization succumbing to a cybersecurity attack, but it’s a very realistic event that you have to be prepared for. Let’s take a look at the statistics and how exactly they are not in your business’ favor.

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Forcing Remote Teams to Come Back Full Time May Be Hurting Your Business

Forcing Remote Teams to Come Back Full Time May Be Hurting Your Business

Remote work might have been crucial in the face of the pandemic, but now that companies are bringing employees back to the workplace, many are pushing back. While we can of course assist with your implementation of remote work technologies, there might be more reason to consider allowing for remote work. This doesn’t come from just us; it also comes from industry experts.

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Why Quiet Quitting is Counterproductive

Why Quiet Quitting is Counterproductive

Have you heard the term “quiet quitting''?” It’s been going around lately, and it can be a problem if it isn’t addressed. Let’s examine what quiet quitting is, what it means for your business, and what you can do to solve it.

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Managing Workplace Emotions Can Be Difficult

Managing Workplace Emotions Can Be Difficult

Most people will spend about one-third of their lives at work. Naturally, this large amount of time spent away from home can lead to a lot of stress. Emotions can overwhelm your employees and lead them to experience negative side effects that could impact their physical and mental health. Let’s examine some ways you can minimize the workday stressors that your employees may suffer from.

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Your In-House IT Can Probably Tell You How Bad Burnout Is

Your In-House IT Can Probably Tell You How Bad Burnout Is

Worker burnout is more prevalent than ever, and it can lead employees to experience negative effects such as stress, exhaustion, depression, and frustration. Do you see any of these symptoms in your IT workers? Let’s take a closer look at how burnout is impacting the IT industry and your IT talent, as well as some ways you can address it.

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Innovation in the Workplace Doesn’t Have to Be an Annoyance for Your Team

Innovation in the Workplace Doesn’t Have to Be an Annoyance for Your Team

We frequently discuss how the solutions we offer can make business processes and procedures more effective, but in doing so, we’ve frequently overlooked how the implementation of these solutions—especially in terms of your digital transformation—have impacted your human resources.

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Tip of the Week: The Right Way to Promote Collaboration

Tip of the Week: The Right Way to Promote Collaboration

Collaboration is central to the success of any company’s sustained efforts, and technology plays an important role in making this happen. Let’s go over some collaboration best practices your business can implement, as well as how technology can help them be successful in these efforts.

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Could Different Collaboration Styles Be Pushing Your Team Members Apart?

Could Different Collaboration Styles Be Pushing Your Team Members Apart?

For many companies, their first experiences with modern collaboration tools came about as a result of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Some were forced to go entirely remote, while others completely halted operations for an indefinite period of time. While collaboration tools are designed to bring people together, it might come at a cost.

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Turnover Rates are Up for IT Professionals

Turnover Rates are Up for IT Professionals

It doesn’t take a genius to understand the importance of IT maintenance and management, but it’s often easier said than done to make sure it happens properly. A new survey from Gartner suggests that this might get even more challenging, as IT employees are increasingly more likely to leave their place of work than other, non-IT employees.

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Why Shadow IT is Such a Big Deal

Why Shadow IT is Such a Big Deal

Shadow IT is a considerable problem for businesses that rely on IT in their operations. Let’s take a  quick look at what shadow IT really is and how it can impact your business. We’ll also discuss ways you can avoid it.

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